How to Properly Light Up Your Kitchen

How to properly light your kitchen
Have you ever wondered how to make your kitchen look like pictures you've seen on Pinterest? Sometimes lighting is what you need to be worrying about. Whether you're using the wrong kind of bulb, or even the wrong fixture, we are here to help you get the answers you're looking for.
Think about what you are trying to light
One light isn't going to do everything. You must learn about the layers. Task, accent, decorative, and ambient are the four layers to keep in mind. Task lighting is exactly as it sounds; lighting in your task areas. Counter tops and pantries are task areas. Accent lights add depth to your kitchen. Decorative lights add some fanciness, they are the decoration. Ambient light reflects off of the ceiling and lights the whole room well, but shadows occur and the room will be very dim.
It's a team effort
None of the light layers will look good on their own. You must put them together. The four layers of light aren't only important for kitchens but for all rooms of your house. Sometimes a dining room and kitchen are connected and all four layers of light are necessary in both rooms.
Pendants over islands are catching people's eyes today. Different shapes are considered unique and draw attention and offer a warmer ambient light. Toe kick lights, or under cabinet lights, are also useful in the ambient category. Adding a glow to your cabinets is a way to incorporate the accent layer of light. Task lighting would be found underneath you cabinets, lighting your work space. Another source of task lighting would be lighting in the pantry.
Don't hang too many lights from the ceiling! Recessed lighting or domes are key for the kitchen. Hang lights either over the table or over the island but not everywhere.
How to choose the bulb
A bulb that is between 2700 to 3000 Kelvin is desirable for your kitchen because it offers a cool color that blends with the rest of the lighting in your home. Consider the Color Rendering Index. The higher the CRI the better. If it has a CRI lower than 80, the colors won't be rendered well and you'll see grays.
A well lit kitchen provides a welcoming and warm environment. It is usually the center of any get-togethers and the way you choose to light it will make a difference!